Ongoing Screening Safety Health Advisory To NPower Volunteers

It is no longer news that the ministry for Humanitarian Affairs is conducting a screening exercise for all the previously and recently exited NPower volunteers for the Ministry planned exit opportunities for the NPower volunteers. As a result of that, it is very important that all the NPower beneficiaries undergoing the screening exercise take safety precautions to protect themselves from COVID-19. The Coronavirus is very much around. Though some states have made it easy for the NPower volunteers by not doing the screening physically, some states are still conducting physical screening. If your state is conducting a physical screening, please take the following safety precaution: 
1) Wear a face mask 
2) Maintain social distancing 
3) Sanitize your hands before going out and wash your hands thoroughly with soap and water when back from the screening. 
The Ministry of humanitarian affairs, disaster management, and social development are exploring opportunities with some MDAs such as the CBN, State government, and private sectors for the NPower beneficiaries.
