N-Power: N-EXIT or Batch C

Prospective N-Power batch C volunteers and N-EXIT Applicants ponder on the Programme to first commence between N-EXIT and N-Power batch C.
It could be recalled that before the disengagement of the N-Power batches A and B, the plan was already on the ground to transit them into other Federal Government opportunities. Arrangements were also made to bring in new labour force into the N-Power Programme.
To make the new recruitment possible, the Ministry in charge had to let the batches A and B go into a new empowerment scheme called N-EXIT as their exit package so that new N-Power volunteers can be recruited for batch C (third batch). That was perfectly done and batches A and B N-Power volunteers were exited which led to the reopening of the application portal for the recruitment of new applicants in 2020.
All these happened in June and July 2020. The N-Power batch A was exited in June while batch B was exited in July followed by the recruitment for batch C N-Power volunteers in the month of June 2020. The question which applicants of both N-EXIT and N-Power batch C are asking now is, which of the scheme will commence first? As the applicants ponder around all these, let us all hope that the Ministry in charge does all that is required to put a smile on the faces of all parties involved in this search for better empowerment opportunities.


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