N-Power Batch C: 100% In Test Not A Guarantee

All successful N-Power Batch C candidates that have written the online NASIM Test should get ready for physical screening.

The N-Power online test, was more of a secondary requirement, to get to final process which is physical verification. There are basic requirements even if you scored 100% you might still be rejected if these requirements are not met, and these basic requirements are very essential to scale through the final process, this process is the documentation stage otherwise known as physical verification.

Under this N-Power physical verification/ documents screening:

All documents uploaded during the online  application process must be made physically present, by all N-Power Volunteers on site for physical screening. Prospective N-Power batch C volunteers should ensure their documents are intact, both originals and copies.

The most required documents to be presented by prospective N-Power Batch C Volunteers are (please note this may vary):

A. Your physical self.

B. Education certificates.

C. Birth certificate/Age declaration.

D. Note: Your NASIMS ID may be required.

E. Proof of Residence: This might include some utility bills. 

During online application, prospective N-Power Batch C were meant to select their state of residence. 

N-Power frowns at relocation complaints during physical verification.

Prospective N-Power Batch C volunteers must go back to their selected state of residence to get verified physically if you have relocated from that state.

F. Success/Congratulatory Email/SMS: As long as the prospective N-Power Volunteers had written the test successfully, after updating your records, there are possibilities you will get selected. Many N-Power Batch C applicants were unable to write the online test.

Most prospective N-Power Batch C applicants that scaled through have a big chance of been selected. N-Power congratulatory/success message/email or sms whichever the case may be usually comes with date of physical verification, not far from the day it is sent, as said earlier this might vary. 
