N-Power Batch C: How To Complete The Fingerprint Capture Without Going Through The N-Power/NASIMS Portal

If you are an N-Power Batch C applicant, who previously logged into the N-Power/NASIMS website, and got the congratulatory message, but cannot access the N-Power/NASIMS website anymore due to network issues on the N-Power website or traffic congestion on the N-Power portal, and this has hampered the inability of N-Power Batch C applicants to complete the N-Power biometric finger print capture enrollment/verification.

This is what to do, an N-Power Batch C applicant can bypass the NASIMS/N-Power portal by going directly to the NASIMS/N-Power biometric page, by visiting this link https://nasimsbiometric.blob.core.windows.net/enrollment/Publish.htm

The N-Power Batch C applicant should install the software, using a laptop or computer at any cybercafe, (please note Windows 10 Operating System is highly recommended to execute this task, as software might not install on lower versions) and complete the N-Power biometric fingerprint capture enrollment.

Please the N-Power Batch C applicant, should ensure that the cybercafe has the fingerprint sensor in place, before installation.

Note: If an N-Power Batch C applicant, have all the facilities; laptop and the fingerprint scanner at home, the N-Power Batch C applicant can complete the N-Power biometric process at the comfort of his or her doorstep.

With the above process a successful N-Power Batch C applicant can access the NASIMS biometric website without going through his or her N-Power portal.
