N-Power Batch C: Probable Criteria To Be Used For Selection

Below are the possible criteria to be used to access the suitability of an N-Power Batch C applicant in making the selection list before the physical screening and deployment

1. Number of N-Power Batch applicants in an particular Local Government Area of Residence

There is no doubt the just concluded N-power Batch C test was more difficult than previous N-Power online test and repetition of questions for different N-Power batch C applicants was highly scarce. This was a way of reducing the high number of N-Power Batch C applicants down to the required number.

While high score will play a vital role in positioning an N-Power Batch C applicant, the number of N-Power Batch C applicants in your Local Government of Residence whom you are competing with, will more likely determine the cut off mark that will be used in selecting N-Power Batch C applicants in your Local Government Area of Residence.


For example, a Local Government in Lagos State with about 20,000 N-Power Batch C applicants and 3,000 quotas cannot be compared to a Local Government in far North Maiduguri with 2,000 N-Power Batch C applicants and 700 quotas. While such Local Government Area in Lagos will have a high cut off from 70% to select 3,000 from 20,000 N-Power Batch C applicants, the Local Government Area in Maiduguri will likely have an average cut off at 50% or even less, going by the scores from the just concluded N-Power/NASIMS online test results.

N-Power Batch C applicants in interior/remote Local Government Area with lesser number of N-Power Batch C applicants are more likely to be favoured in the selection list as N-Power Batch C applicants who scored 50% or less have more chances in such Local Government Area than N-Power applicants who scored 50% or less in Local Government Areas in the main cities.

2. N-Power category applied for and number of N-Power Batch C applicants in the Category in your Local Government Area

Quota sharing goes down to number of N-Power Batch C applicants in a particular N-Power category. There are the N-Teach, N-Health, N-Agro etc. Number of N-Power Batch C applicants needed in N-Teach is not the same as the number of N-Power Batch C applicants needed for N-Health or N-Agro.

N-Teach applicants are higher in number followed by N-Agro and by that, competition will be high in the two N-Power categories across the local government areas.

3. Time spent during the N-Power online test

Another important possible criteria which could be used to position N-Power batch C applicants on the selection list is the time the N-Power Batch C applicant spent during the N-Power online test. The shorter the time, the better and favoured the N-Power Batch C applicant.

N-Power Batch C applicants were given a chance of re-taking the test before submission but that greatly increase your spent time and reduces your chances on the selection list.

4. N-Power Batch C applicants' conformity to test rules

The N-Power test portal is designed to execute stated rules automatically upon disobedience to the rules. This will increase the chances of other N-Power Batch C applicants. 

More than 20,000 NPower Batch C applicants will face disqualification by failing to obey the rules while more than 5,000 N-Power batch C applicants will be disqualified by network or technical glitches, low battery, low data, ecsetera. The stated figures are more likely to be high.

N-Power Batch C applicants who were unable to take the test due to one reason or the other will also be automatically disqualified.

5: An N-Power Batch C applicants Qualification

Qualification came last because it has a lesser role to play at this stage. However, it is used to grade N-Power Batch C applicants in the Graduate category such as N-Teach and N-Health, N-Agro is no more under the N-Power Graduate category.

All these are incorporated into the automated programme used in making the selection list before phyiscal verification final selection, and deployment.

It is worthy to nore that the target is 1 Million N-Power volunteers. So, after N-Power batch C, expect N-Power Batch D soonest. The Federal Ministry of Humanitarian Affairs, Disaster Management & Social Development is working on making the N-power Programme an annual programme.
