N-Power Batch C: 4 Steps To Check Your N-Power Deployment Status

1) The N-Power Batch C applicant should first log into the (N-Power)NASIMS Portal by visiting https://www.nasims.gov.ng

2) With the N-Power Batch C applicants username or email address and password the N-Power Batch C applicant should Login to his or her NASIMS (N-Power) dashboard.

3) Once the N-Power Batch C applicant has been deployed he or she will see it displayed once the N-Power Batch C applicant clicks on the ‘Deployment’ button at the top side of the N-Power Batch C applicant's NASIMS (N-Power) profile.

4) If the N-Power Batch C applicant have been deployed by N-Power (NASIMS) team then he or she should receive the message very similar to the one below:

"Congratulations!!! Dear [Applicant’s Name],

you have been deployed as N-power Batch C Beneficiary."

If an N-Power Batch C applicant did not get the above message then the N-Power Batch C applicant should get a message like the one below. Which means the N-Power Batch C applicant have not been deployed yet.

“Dear [Applicant’s Name], you have not been deployed yet.

Please check back for the deployment information after deployment date has been set.”

All the N-Power Batch C applicant have to do is to exercise patience and check back again. N-Power volunteers will be deployed in batches. So a one-time check should not discourage an N-Power Batch C applicant from checking from time to time.
