N-Power Batch C Verification: 5 Reasons Why You Should Not Rush To Your LGA

Here are few reasons why N-Power Batch C applicants should not be in a hurry to rush to their Local Government Area (LGA):

1) Dispatching the N-Power deployment list to N-Power Focal Persons does not mean that the N-Power physical verification will commence immediately.

2) The N-Power deployment list have to be printed.

3) The N-Power deployment list has to be pasted on all Local Government Areas

4)  Shortlisted N-Power Batch C applicants have to receive invitational messages or emails to come and check their names on the list.

5) If the N-Power Batch C applicant is Successful the Shortlisted N-Power Batch C applicant will then proceed for the N-Power physical verification as planned by the NOA/District HR/Local Government Officers in your state.


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