N-Power Batch C: Criteria For Posting To Schools, Agro Agencies & Health Centres

Some N-Power Batch C applicants have been asking this question about the criteria used for posting to certain Government establishments under the N-Power program, the criteria is very simple, N-Power/NASIMS will post an N-Power Batch C applicant to a Government establishment based on his or her field of experience and the N-Power Batch C applicant's credentials, what do I mean? If an N-Power Batch C applicant have a teaching experience and has an Education Certificate or Education Degree, that is the N-Power Batch C applicant majors in Education, definitely the N-Power Batch C applicant will be posted to a Government School, if an N-Power Batch C applicant have a cognate experience in line with Agricultural Sciences or has a degree in Agricultural Sciences then such N-Power Batch C applicant will be deployed to Government Agricultural Agencies, if an N-Power Batch C applicant has a degree or experience closely related to Health Sciences, the N-Power Batch C applicant will be posted to Government Healthcare Center.


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