N-Power: Physical Verification Will Not Be Done Monthly Like NYSC

Lots of Npower Batch C applicants have been asking if the N-Power physical verification will be done monthly, please the N-Power physical verification is a one time physical verification, which will end on the 24th September.

All N-Power Batch C applicants are to report to their specified N-Power physical verification center to conduct their physical verification exercise.

For those NPower Batch C applicants that are yet to commence physical verification at their secretariat please exercise patience as logistics are yet to be put in place, alternatively an N-Power Batch C applicant can visit his or her nearest LCDA Local Government District Authority to make their complains.

If your local government area secretariat is not carrying out thumbprint then that is the requirement for that particular Local Government Area, NPower physical verification requirements varies from one local government area to another.

If you are an N-Power Batch C applicant and after downloading the N-Power NASIMS PPA letter, you discovered that the picture did not appear, please it is not an issue, simply attach a passport size photograph onto the picture after downloading it, please make sure to sign the PPA letter after physical verification, then upload it back to the NASIMS portal.

All N-Power Batch C applicants are to resume not exceeding 3 days after signing of Npower PPA letter by the assigned NPower supervisor.
