Npower Non Graduate Category That Are Yet To Be Posted Please Do Not Expect Payment

If you are an Npower Batch C applicant and you have done your physical verification but you have not been posted please do not expect payment, payment for Npower non graduate category are for Npower volunteers that have been posted and have done their training.

Npower Non graduate volunteers have been advised to constantly check their deployment tab for information regarding their training venues and schedule, it is only when the non graduate volunteer have undergone training that he or she is expected to receive payment.

All Npower non graduates that recently completed their training might not receive the current payment unless they have been posted and assigned to their trainer, the Npower non graduate category training usually lasts for three months whereby the non graduates are given their feeding and transportation allowances, after this three months training, the non graduates are then posted and assigned to an organisation or trainer for nine months of which they are entitled to receive ₦10,000 monthly stipend.

If you are an Npower Batch C volunteer under the non graduate category and you have been posted after your training and your payroll status is showing pending/processing then please exercise patience you will be paid.


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