Npower: Please Payment Is Not Based On State Of Origin

Some Npower Batch C Volunteers have been claiming that because they are from a particular state of origin that is why their payment is being delayed, please this information is false, all payments are sent at once and once you fufill all the necessary requirements such as: 

1) Correct bank account names

2) Correct BVN names matching NASIMS profile names

3) Correct NASIMS profile names matching bank account names 

4) Correct account number

You will definitely be paid, payment is not tribalistic nor biased neither is it based on state of origin, the Npower payment system does not concentrate on a particular tribe or state, please every Npower Batch C Volunteer should have this at the back of their mind.

Payment is ongoing as we speak and will span the entire duration of the week, all outstanding payments will be paid as backlogs, all Npower Batch C Volunteers are advised to continue to attend their places of primary assignment as they will be paid, failure to attend your place of primary assignment would result to your payment being placed on hold, as nominal roles of all Npower Batch C Volunteers are being submitted to the state ministry for wealth and job creation and you might not be aware of that.
