Npower: Stream 2 Commences

All prospective Npower Batch C Volunteers are to log into their NASIMS profile page under the verification tab to confirm their selection and first verification and further capture their finger prints for the next stage of the verification process.

All Npower Batch C2 prospective volunteers are to visit the nearest cyber cafe and ensure that the cybercafe has all the necessary facilities for the finger print enrollment and capture.

All Npower prospective Batch C2 volunteers are to continue checking their emails and Npower NASIMS profile page for more updates regarding the next phase of the physical verification and deployment process.

Npower Batch C2 prospective volunteers are to note that the finger print capture does not guarantee payment, but it has to be captured effectively, Npower Batch C2 will only be paid when they have been posted and started work at their primary places of assignments.
