NEXIT: Please Do Not Send Any Message Or Contact Anyone For Any Soft Loan Online

It has been brought to our notice that some people online have been claiming to provide soft loans to exited Npower Batch A and B volunteers without without upfront payment or fees, please all exited Npower Batch A and B volunteers have been advised to be extremely careful and take precautions in order not to fall prey to fraudsters online trying to capitalise or take advantage of the desperation exhibited by exited Npower Batch A and B volunteers in trying to secure soft loans.

All exited Npower Batch A and B volunteers that recently completed their NEXIT soft loan training have been advised to exercise patience, and wait until the soft loan processing begins, plus or minus around may all processes regarding soft loan disbursement will be concluded all things being equal.

The NEXIT soft loan training and disbursement even the business plan is totally free, please ignore anyone claiming to offer you soft loan when you contact him or her, they are fraudsters, once they gain access to your confidential banking information they swindle you of your hard earned money.


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