NEXIT: Why The NEXIT Training Programme Cannot Be Done Local Government By Local Government

Lots of exited Npower Batches A and B volunteers especially nursing mothers and physically challenged persons, have been clamoring for the NEXIT training program to be conducted local government by local government due to the distance from the NEXIT training venue to the residence of the exited Npower Batches A and B volunteers.

The NEXIT training programme cannot be done in the local government because it is not a state or local government initiative, the NEXIT training programme is conducted by private training organizations in collaboration with the Central Bank of Nigeria and the Ministry for Humanitarian Affairs, the NEXIT training is conducted at the Federal level in order to allow for transparency and accountability, the NEXIT training programme cannot be conducted in local government areas also because the facilities for conducting the NEXIT training such as space and other facilities are lacking in most local government area, lots of these NEXIT training centers have lots of adequate facilities, spacious, and can accommodate thousands of exited Npower volunteers at a seating, in addition to that most local government areas do not have the training manpower such as facilitators to handle the NEXIT training exercise, while this is not lacking in all of the NEXIT training centers.


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