Npower: How To Fix Account Name Mismatch Payment Issues Even If Your Account Names Matches Your BVN Names

If you are an Npower Batch C1 Volunteer and you have not been paid a dime since September till date, because of "Account Name Mismatch Issues" please continue to read this article to get the solution to your issue, even if your account names matches your BVN names you will not be paid, you will only be paid if your Npower NASIMS profile names matches your account names and BVN names.

Therefore in order to fix this "Account Name Mismatch Issue" your Npower NASIMS profile names must match your account names and BVN names, to fix this issue send your Npower ID and your BVN names and account names to:

Npower Email:

Or call 

Npower Phone Numbers: 



018888148 or 


The subject of your issue should be "Account Name Mismatch" then go straight to the point when communicating with the Npower support group and avoid unnecessary details when making your complain.

What the Npower technical team will do is to edit the names on your Npower NASIMS dashboard to correspond with your account names and BVN names, once this is done, you will be paid, all outstanding payments will be paid as backlog.


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