Npower: January And February Stipend Will Be Paid As Backlog

Lots of Npower Batch C Volunteers have been asking about the January and February stipend payment, Npower Batch C Volunteers have been clamouring online about the January and February stipend even asking the Npower NASIMS management to promptly do something about it, please take note, the January and February stipend will come in as backlog, what this means is that it has been approved by the Minister for Humanitarian Affairs but will be paid as arrears to Npower Batch C Volunteers, all Npower Batch C Volunteers have been advised to exercise patience, before the month runs out the Npower NASIMS payroll status should begin to change to pending, processing..., reports have it that January stipend will be paid first then February stipend will follow subsequently.

Npower Batch C Volunteers have always been advised not to attempt to edit their account details or change their BVN names or bank account names, this could have a negative effect on your bank account and will affect your payment should payment commence.

All failed payment status on the Npower NASIMS dashboard will also be paid as backlog payment and all failed payment will be reinitiated, Npower NASIMS management will continue to ensure payments are reinitiated until every Npower Batch C Volunteer gets paid, please if your account profile is not correct please do not expect any payment, rather send your Npower ID and correct account profiles to:

Npower NASIMS Email:

Or call the Npower NASIMS Phone Numbers during working hours:



018888148 or 



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