Npower: Physical Verification Date Will Be Communicated Soon

Lots of Npower Batch C Volunteers that have completed their biometrics have been asking when exactly the Npower physical verification will commence.

The Npower Batch C2 physical verification will not commence now, because the list of the successful Npower Batch C2 volunteers are being compiled at the moment, after the list has been successful compiled, every successful shortlisted Npower Batch C2 volunteer will be contacted, after they are contacted then they will be sent directives for the biometrics exercise (as we speak it is not every Npower Batch C Volunteer that have completed their biometrics), after successfully completing the biometrics screening, Npower Batch C Volunteers will be sent their venue and date for the Npower NASIMS physical verification exercise, during this period, all the documents uploaded by the N-Power batch C volunteer during pre-registration will be checked, if you pass the physical verification exercise, you will now proceed to your place of primary assignment, this will also be communicated publicly through the Npower NASIMS dashboard.

The Npower Batch C Volunteer have 3 days to submit his or her deployment letter either for acceptance or rejection by the head of department or principal, after the deployment letter has been approved and signed, the Npower Batch C Volunteer will go back to the Npower NASIMS dashboard and upload the deployment letter, then commence work and expect his or her monthly stipend.


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