Npower: The Physical Verification For The Supplementary List Npower Batch C Stream A Will Commence After The Biometrics Of Npower Batch C2

Npower Batch C volunteers that were shortlisted through the Npower supplementary list of batch A (that is stream 1) that missed the physical verification exercise for Npower Batch C1 stream 1 have been asking when the Npower physical verification exercise will commence, some Npower Batch C1 volunteers missed the Npower physical verification due to one reason or the other, please if you are an Npower Batch C1 volunteer and you missed the Npower verification exercise, please exercise patience until the shortlisting process of the Npower Batch C2 stream 2 is concluded and their biometrics fingerprint capture is also completed, after the Npower biometrics fingerprint enrollment capture, the Npower physical verification exercise commences, it is at this period of physical verification that the Npower Batch C1 volunteers that missed the previous Npower physical verification can join.

Npower Batch C1 volunteers that missed the previous Npower physical verification exercise, should be observant as at when the next physical verification exercise will commence so that they can join the next batch which is Npower Batch C2 stream 2.


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