Npower: What To Do If You Got The Message To Complete Your Biometric Screening But Missed It Due To Technical Glitches

Some Npower Batch C1 stream 1 volunteers missed the previous biometrics fingerprint enrollment due to technical glitches and have been wondering if they can still complete the Npower NASIMS biometrics fingerprint enrollment capture, if you missed the previous Npower NASIMS biometrics fingerprint capture due to one reason or another or due to technical glitches you can still complete your Npower NASIMS biometrics fingerprint enrollment capture when it commences, at the moment the Npower NASIMS biometrics fingerprint enrollment capture is on hold, and once it begins Npower Batch C1 volunteers that missed it can join the current Npower Batch C2 volunteers to complete theirs, all instructions concerning the Npower NASIMS biometrics will be provided on the Npower NASIMS dashboard of the Npower Batch C Volunteers, reports have it that some Npower Batch C2 Volunteers have completed their biometrics, please if you have completed yours, just exercise patience for the Npower physical verification stage, which is the next stage after the Npower NASIMS biometrics process, if you are unable to complete your Npower NASIMS biometrics exercise just exercise patience and wait further directives from the Npower NASIMS management.


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