Npower: Your Test Score Not Appearing Is Not The Reason Why You Were Not Shortlisted Or Verified

Some Npower Batch C applicants have been complaining that after scoring 50% and after checking their test result, it was observed that the test was no longer showing on their Npower NASIMS portal, and this has prevented them from being shortlisted.

If your test score is no longer appearing it is just a technical glitch and it has no connection with you not being shortlisted or verified as the case may be, please exercise patience you will be shortlisted when the next batch comes out that is batch C2 stream 2.

Npower NASIMS selection is based on other factors apart from your score, factors such as number of Npower applicants in that community, availability of the Npower program in that community, the Npower category applied for, and poor performance by the Npower Batch C applicants, all these have a major role to play in the shortlisting and verification process.

Npower Batch C applicants awaiting their names have been advised to exercise patience and keep checking their Npower NASIMS dashboard for updates regarding their selection.


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