As soon as the certification, documentation and proposals of the beneficiaries of the first set of the Nexit training is concluded, the second phase will kick-off, we urge you all to exercise patience - Npower

Although some exited Npower Batch A and B volunteers awaiting the next batch of the NEXIT training have claimed that the anchor of the NEXIT training told awaiting exited Npower Batch A and B volunteers that the next batch of the NEXIT soft loan training will start this month, the Npower management have thrown more light on the status and current situation on the second batch of the NEXIT soft loan training, Npower have urged all exited Npower Batches A and B volunteers waiting for the next batch of the NEXIT soft loan training to exercise patience, that "as soon as the certification, documentation and proposals of the beneficiaries of the first set of the Nexit training is concluded, the second phase will kick-off".

The business plan and business proposals both the soft copies and hard copies are being compiled, and submitted to the relevant financial institutions as we speak, hopefully in the coming weeks all processes regarding the business plans for the first batch will be concluded, after this the NEXIT soft loan training for the second batch should follow suit.

Exited Npower Batch A and B that qualify for the NEXIT soft loan training will be given between ₦500,000 to ₦3,000,000 depending on their loan amount and working capital quoted on the final business plan and according to the nature of the business selected by the exited Npower beneficiary.


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