Biometrics will recommence after the shortlisting process of the Npower batch c stream 2 have been finalized

It is no longer news that the biometrics for Npower batch c stream 2 volunteers have been put on hold and paused at the moment, the biometrics will resume and recommence after the shortlisting process of the Npower Batch C stream 2 have been finalized and concluded, the Npower batch c stream 2 shortlisting process will be concluded before the Npower batch c stream 1 program is completed.

Once the shortlisting process for the Npower batch c stream 2 volunteers have been concluded, the Npower Batch C stream 2 volunteers that were shortlisted and successful will be sent congratulatory messages either through their respective email addresses, on their NASIMS verification page or through sms, these congratulatory messages will contain the processes required for completing the biometrics, the message will contain instructions such as the biometrics prerequisite, the hardware and software specifications and the operating system required for the biometrics, all these details will be included in the email and NASIMS verification page of the Npower stream 2 volunteer, after the biometrics have been completed the next stage will be the physical verification exercise, the Npower physical verification date will also be included in the verification page of the NASIMS profile, including the physical verification venue, after the Npower physical verification then the next stage is the deployment stage, information concerning deployment will be included in the deployment page of the NASIMS profile of the Npower stream 2 volunteer.

The Npower stream 2 volunteer will be given a maximum of 3 days to complete all deployment processes, such as downloading of the deployment letter and taking it to his or her place of primary assignment for signing and endorsement, then uploading the acceptance or rejection deployment letter back to the NASIMS profile, then resuming at his or her place of primary assignment after completing the tasks.

Npower stream 2 volunteers that fails to complete all the above task, risk forfeiting his or her Npower program and might be terminated from the Npower program in due course.


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