NEXIT loan Video: There Will be another Npower NEXIT training batch, without the npower NEXIT training certificate you did not participate in the NEXIT training program - NEXIT

Exclusive video from the Npower NEXIT soft loan training center has emerged, infact from the statement made by the Npower NEXIT training officer, their might even be a third batch, the NEXIT official also emphasized on the importance of the Npower NEXIT soft loan training certificate, saying without it, it means the Npower volunteer did not participate in the Npower NEXIT training soft loan program, he further stressed the stages of the NEXIT training program, watch exclusive video below.

Npower beneficiaries awaiting the Npower NEXIT soft loan exit package should note that the soft loan disbursement process will not start until all the Npower NEXIT training programme must have been concluded, Npower beneficiaries not shortlisted for the Npower NEXIT training programme or shortlisted but failed to participate in the Npower NEXIT training programme will not be given the Npower NEXIT soft loan when the Npower NEXIT soft loan disbursement process commences.


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