Npower nexit training for next batch will be communicated - Npower

The Npower Nexit training for the next batch will be communicated according to Npower, before the Npower Nexit soft loan training commences, an email or a text message will be sent to exited Npower volunteers through the entrepreneurship development institute, that is, the Npower Nexit training invitation message for the next batch will be sent directly by the Npower nexit training consultants before the next batch starts.

The Npower Nexit soft loan training program have not started because some of the business plans of the first set that participated in the Npower Nexit soft loan training have not been submitted yet, once the business plans of the first batch is completely submitted, the next batch of the Npower Nexit soft loan training program will start.

All Npower volunteers will be given soft loans to start a business and the soft loan is payable in seven years, once your business plan cannot be edited it has been submitted, but if your business plan can be edited, it has not been submitted.
