Npower Nexit training: Please kindly go through your business plan for changes

Some exited Npower Batch A and B volunteers have been observing certain changes on their business plan mostly on the type of the business plan selected by the Npower volunteers, the loan amount, the working capital, the management plan and even the financial plan and other aspects.

If you notice changes on your business plan please just accept it as it is, the most important thing is that it has been submitted, infact an Npower volunteer said the NEXIT training officers changes everything on the business plan including the type of business and the cost of equipment, please whichever the case just accept it in good faith, the changes were made to suit profitability, feasibility and viability.

Please these changes were made by the Npower NEXIT training officers themselves and was not due to technical glitch or error as some exited Npower volunteers may claim.


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