Npower October payment will be paid when payment is re-initiated - Npower

Npower batch c stream 1 volunteers that have not been paid their Npower October payment will be paid when payment is re-initiated, once payment is restarted all Npower Batch C stream 1 volunteers will be paid their Npower October payment, the payment will be re-initiated in the coming weeks/months, once it is re-initiated, Npower Batch C stream 1 volunteers being owed their Npower October payment and other outstanding 2021 payments; September, November and December will be paid.

This statement was made in response to a question made by Npower batch c stream 1 volunteers see statement below;

"Why is my November Stipend pending while October and December already processed?


"my October and November stipends failed, reason,; no action taken. Please what's the problem?"

"Hello Crystal, thank you for contacting us today. All failed payment are being reinitiated. However, kindly contact our customer care via 092203102 or 018888148 for further details."
