Biometrics: How To Check When The Biometrics Will Close

Npower batch c stream 2 volunteers have been asking when the Npower Batch C stream 2 biometrics will close, according to Npower, there is no closing date yet for the biometrics, this was said in response to a question raised by a concerned Npower Batch C stream 2 volunteer, see statement below;

Npower batch c stream 2 volunteers should not use this as an excuse to relax and be complacent, once you have been shortlisted quickly visit the nearest cyber cafe and complete your biometrics, do not wait for the deadline to be announced before completing your Biometrics, Npower Batch C stream 2 volunteers can check their NASIMS self service portal to see if they have been shortlisted for the biometrics screening, once you see this message below on your verification page it means that you have been shortlisted;

"Congrats on passing the screening phase. We just want to verify some of your details and you will be good to go. If you feel you missed out on any important detail during the application phase, kindly send an email to our support team via", quickly go to a cyber cafe previously used for stream 1 biometrics to complete your biometrics, alternatively Npower Batch C stream 2 volunteers can also use the *45665# NASIMS code to check if they have been shortlisted by following the instructions.

Npower batch c stream 2 volunteers that have already done the biometrics, with the fingerprint captured ✓ showing on their verification page, are not to repeat the biometrics again, just wait for the next directives which is the physical verification exercise, it will be communicated on your NASIMS self service portal, by text message and publicly through the Npower social media handles.


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