Biometrics: Please if you have done the Biometrics before you do not have to do it again

If you are an Npower Batch C stream 2 volunteer and you did the biometrics earlier, please you do not have to repeat the biometrics, all you have to do is go back to your NASIMS verification page and check if "fingerprint captured ✓" icon displays under your verification page, if this does not appear then you have to repeat the biometrics.

Alternatively you can use the NASIMS ussd code*45665# to check your Biometrics if it was done properly, if it was done properly you will receive a message saying that your biometrics was captured successfully, please ensure that you have enough airtime credit balance before dialing the *45665# NASIMS code, if you have not completed your biometrics you will also be informed after dialing the NASIMS ussd code *45665#, if you did not pass the biometrics you will not progress to the physical verification stage when it begins.


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