How To Check If You Have Been Shortlisted As An Npower Batch C Stream 2 Candidate

An Npower Batch C stream 2 candidate is an Npower applicant that is yet to be a beneficiary but qualifies to be an Npower beneficiary, until the Npower batch c stream 2 candidate is shortlisted and completes the final stage which is the deployment stage the Npower Batch C stream 2 volunteers remains a candidate or an applicant, once the deployment stage is completed and the acceptance letter submitted to the deployment page, and the Npower Batch C stream 2 candidate resumes work at his or her place of primary assignment then the Npower Batch C stream 2 profile changes to Npower beneficiary stream II and you can start receiving the Npower monthly stipend.

Npower batch c stream 2 applicants can check if they have been shortlisted as an Npower Batch C stream 2 candidate by following the simple steps below;

1) The Npower batch c stream 2 applicant should login in into nasims website using his or her Email address/Application ID and password.

2) After login into the NASIMS website the Npower Batch C stream 2 applicant should click on the "verification" tab at the header of the nasims portal.

3) The Npower Batch C stream 2 applicant will see a message saying "Congrats on passing the screening phase. We just want to verify some of your details and you will be good to go. If you feel you missed out on any important detail during the application phase, kindly send an email to our support team via", immediately under the "verification" tab, once you see this message it simply means that you have been shortlisted and you are an Npower Batch C stream 2 candidate, all you have to do is to head straight to a cyber cafe and complete your biometrics screening stage, please go to a cyber cafe that was previously used for the Npower Batch C stream 1 biometrics.

4) If after clicking the "verification" tab it says that "you have not been shortlisted yet, check back later" then it simply means that you have not been shortlisted as an Npower Batch C stream 2 candidate.

Alternatively the Npower Batch C stream 2 applicant can use the NASIMS ussd code *45665# to check if he or she has been shortlisted as an Npower Batch C stream 2 candidate, by adopting the steps below.


Npower Batch C stream 2 applicants can use the nasims ussd code *45665# to check if they have been shortlisted as an Npower Batch C stream 2 candidate, please before dialing the nasims ussd code *45665# ensure that you have enough airtime at least a minimum credit balance of ₦100.

1) The Npower batch c stream 2 applicant should dial *45665# from any mobile network; Etisalat, Glo, Airtel, MTN.

2) After dialling the nasims ussd code *45665# a welcome message will pop up on your phone screen saying "Welcome to NSIP Service Choose Programme -

1. N-Power




5. S4J

6. Cancel"

3) Select "Answer" then press 1 then "send".

4) After completing the above task another message will pop up on your phone screen saying " Welcome to N-Power Information Service. Please Enter your BVN or Registered Mobile Number.

5) Press "Answer" then enter your BVN, then press "Send".

6) After doing this a message will appear saying "To complete the request please authorize the charge of ₦30:00.

7) Press "Answer".

8) Press 1 to send.

9) A message will pop up saying "Thank you."

10) Wait for few seconds to receive your text message.

11) Press "show" to open the message, it will display the message below:

 "CONGRATULATIONS! You have been selected for N-Power Batch C, Stream II".

Once you get this message it simply means that you have been shortlisted as an Npower Batch C stream 2 candidate, proceed to a cyber cafe and complete your biometrics if you have not completed your biometrics, if you have already done your biometrics please you do not need to repeat the biometrics all you have to do is keep checking your verification page on NASIMS portal for the Npower Batch C stream 2 physical verification date.

12) On the contrary if you were not shortlisted you will see the message "you have not been shortlisted, check back later', and this simply means that you have not been shortlisted as an Npower Batch C stream 2 candidate.

Npower batch c stream 2 candidates are to note that being shortlisted is not a guarantee that you will eventually become an Npower Batch C stream 2 beneficiary, if you fail any of the screening process below:

1) Biometrics

2) Physical Verification

3) Deployment

Your profile will not change from Npower Batch C stream 2 applicant to Npower Batch C stream 2 beneficiary, and you will not receive the Npower monthly stipend, every stage of the screening process is extremely important.
