How To Check If You Will Be Selected For Npower Batch C Stream 2 Physical Verification

The Npower Batch C stream 2 physical verification is the second stage after the biometric stage, this physical verification stage involves the presentation of all documents uploaded to the Npower NASIMS self service portal to the Npower physical verification officers when the Npower physical verification commences.

Recently Npower have said that they will contact Npower Batch C stream 2 volunteers that have done their Npower biometrics, and inform them if they were selected, the main point here is that Npower Batch C stream 2 applicants that have completed their biometrics do not know if they will be selected or not, in order to check if you will be selected for the Npower Batch C stream 2 physical verification please follow the simple tips below.

1) The Npower Batch C stream 2 applicant should login into the Npower NASIMS self service portal

2) After successfully login into the Npower NASIMS portal please click on the "verification" tab.

3) Scroll down to the footer of the "verification" page.

4) You will see an icon in green saying "fingerprint captured ✓" once you see this icon it simply means that you will be selected for the Npower Batch C stream 2 physical verification, on the contrary if you still see "capture fingerprint" then it simply means that you will not be selected for the Npower Batch C stream 2 physical verification because you were yet to complete your biometrics.
