Npower batch c stream 2 deployment process will start after physical verification, the change on the deployment page is for Npower batch c stream 1

Npower batch c stream 2 deployment process will commence only after or during physical verification, the recent changes on the places of primary assignments on the deployment page affects Npower batch c stream 1 and does not affect Npower batch c stream 2.

Npower batch c stream 1 volunteers have started noticing changes in their deployment tabs on their places of primary assignment, while their places of primary assignment have continuously been changing automatically, Npower have told Npower Batch C stream 1 volunteers to ignore the changes as it is a technical glitch.

The deployment tab will normalize soon, and the changes will be rectified, Npower have reiterated that this sudden change on the deployment page does not affect Npower batch c stream 2 volunteers but only affects Npower batch c stream 1 and it is as a result of network glitches, Npower have told Npower batch c stream 1 volunteers to kindly ignore the changes noticed on their various places of primary assignments.


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