How To Check If You Will Be Selected For The Npower Physical Verification Exercise

Npower applicants can check if they will be selected for the Npower physical verification exercise by following the simple steps below.

1) The Npower applicant should login into the Npower self service portal using his or her login credentials which is the Npower ID or Npower email address and your unique password.

2) After login into the Npower self service portal, the Npower applicant should click on the "verification" tab.

3) The Npower applicant should scroll down to the bottom of the verification page, if you see the green icon displaying "fingerprint captured ✓" with a mark, then you have been selected for the Npower physical verification exercise, all you need to do is to wait for official statement to be released by Npower, and also keep checking the verification page immediately after the "fingerprint captured ✓" icon, this is the area where details of the Npower physical verification exercise will be displayed.

On the contrary if after checking the verification page and you still see "capture your fingerprint" green icon till date, then you will not be selected for the Npower physical verification exercise.

Npower applicants that have not completed their biometrics should quickly visit the nearest cyber cafe to complete their biometrics otherwise failure to complete the biometrics might make you not to be selected for the Npower physical verification exercise.
