What To Do If You Have Been Shortlisted And Cannot Find Your Physical Verification Venue

Npower applicants that have been shortlisted and their profile displays under their name "shortlisted" but after checking their verification page cannot find their physical verification venue are to send their Npower ID to Npower twitter handle @npower_ng.

Npower applicants under the non graduate category will be verified at their training venues and this will be communicated through their nasims self service portal under the physical verification page or will be communicated on Npower verified social handles. The Npower non graduate categories includes; N-Tech, N-creative, N-Mixology, and N-Build, please N-Agro is under the graduate category.

Npower applicants that have relocated are to travel to their local government area of residence to complete their physical verification, while Npower Applicants that were given a physical verification venue totally different from their local government area of residence should also send their issues and Npower ID to Npower twitter social handle @npower_ng.


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