How To Download Npower PPA Letter On Npower Dashboard

Npower ppa letter otherwise known as Npower deployment letter is a document which is located on the deployment page of Npower dashboard and this documents contains informations such as the picture of the Npower applicant, the programme of the Npower applicant, the address of the Npower applicant's place of primary assignment, the Npower applicant's place of primary assignment, the ppa contact person's designation, signature of the Npower assigned supervisor, contact informations and other important details, the Npower ppa letter must be completed by the Npower applicant and submitted within three days of downloading the Npower ppa letter.


The following below are procedures to download the Npower ppa letter on Npower dashboard;

1) The Npower beneficiary should login into the Npower portal.

2) After the Npower beneficiary logs into the Npower portal with his or her email address and password the Npower beneficiary should move straight to deployment tab on the Npower dashboard.

3) The Npower beneficiary should scroll down the deployment page and click on "download ppa letter" highlighted in green.

4) Once this button is clicked by the Npower beneficiary the Npower ppa letter file should start downloading into the selected folder chosen by the Npower beneficiary, if the Npower ppa letter fails to download then the Npower beneficiary should check back much later as failure to download the Npower ppa letter might be due to network traffic congestion.

5) Once the Npower deployment letter otherwise known as the Npower ppa letter is downloaded it should be taken to the address of the place of primary assignment and must be signed by the PPA contact person in the designation of either a departmental head or a district head or any other authorised supervisor such as a principal.

6) Once the Npower ppa letter is ticked "Accepted" it must be uploaded back to the Npower dashboard on the Npower deployment page, failure to do this means that the deployment process was not completed and the Npower Batch C stream 2 beneficiary forfeits his or her Npower monthly stipend.

7) On the contrary if the Npower Batch C stream 2 deployment letter is "rejected" the Npower Batch C stream 2 beneficiary should upload the "rejection" letter to the Npower portal and apply for redeployment.


  1. My download is blank nothing written on the paper


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