How To Fix Failed June Stipend Payment Due To "Timeout Waiting For Response From Destination" Issue

Npower beneficiaries that were not paid their June stipend as a result of "timeout waiting for response from destination" issue can have their issues resolved by following the simple tips below;

1) The Npower beneficiary should login into his or her Npower portal with his or her nasims application ID and password.

2) The Npower beneficiary should click on the overview page and scroll down the overview profile page and copy his or her Npower ID, just under the passport picture the Npower ID is the number that begins with NPWR... 

3) The Npower beneficiary should go to Twitter click on the icon with a feather in a sky blue circle at the bottom right corner and compose a message stating the complaint in the message, Npower beneficiaries can use the format below to compose the message on Twitter, the Npower beneficiary can attach an image of the nasims payroll tab capturing the failed June stipend but this is not necessary.



Npower ID:

Npower email:

4) After composing the message and including the necessary details above, the Npower beneficiary should just add @npower_ng at the end of the message, click on send > button.

Once the message is sent, the Npower beneficiary should avoid sending similar complaints as this will delay the failed Npower June stipend rectification process. Once the complaint is received by Npower it is forwarded to the Npower technical team, once received by the Npower technical team, the failed Npower June stipend is reinitiated and paid as backlog payments when backlog payments commences.
