How To Fix Failed Npower September, October, November, December, January, February, March, April, May and June Stipend On Npower Portal

Npower beneficiaries having payment issues for Npower September, October, November, December, January, February, March, April, May and June Stipend on the Npower portal can fix their payment issues online using Npower twitter handle, the Npower twitter handle is extremely responsive and very efficient in responding to Npower beneficiaries' payment issues, the following processes below can be used to fix failed Npower September, October, November, December, January, February, March, April, May and June Stipend on Npower portal.


1) The Npower beneficiary should download the twitter application from Google playstore and install the twitter app, after downloading the twitter application the Npower beneficiary should please lunch the twitter application from his or her mobile phone or laptop depending on the device the Npower beneficiary is using, after lunching the twitter application, the Npower beneficiary should register with his or her email address or phone number, the Npower beneficiary can use any email address or the email address used for Npower registration or the phone number used for Npower registration, the Npower beneficiary should generate his or her password, the Npower beneficiary might be required to click on the link sent into his or her email inbox before he or she can login.

2) Once the Npower beneficiary confirms his or her login details, the Npower beneficiary should login into the Twitter application, once the twitter page opens, you will see an icon on the footer of the page, the icon resembles a magnifying glass icon 🔍 click on it.

3) After clicking on the magnifying glass icon 🔍, it opens another page, you will see a search field at the top of the page which says 🔍 Search Twitter, enter @npower_ng into this search field, then click on the sky blue round circle with feather and a + sign located at the bottom right hand corner of the page, when you click on this sky blue round circle, all you have to do is compose a brief message saying you have not been paid for the affected month and put your Npower verification ID, attach your payment status screenshot showing the affected month from Npower portal and click on "Tweet" in a sky blue capsule shape at the top right hand corner.

4) After doing this please the Npower beneficiary should not repeat the task, just wait and keep checking your Twitter application under the notification bell icon at the footer of the page, for response, even if you did not get any response, your complaint has been received, and treated, so that once the affected month is re-initiated as backlogs you will be paid.
