How To Login Into Npower Login Portal To Check If You Will Be Paid Npower August Stipend

Npower Batch C under the Npower Batch C stream 1 program can check if they will be paid their Npower August stipend by following the steps below.

1) The Npower batch c beneficiary should login into the Npower login portal using his or her Npower ID and password.

2) After login into the Npower login portal, the Npower Batch C beneficiary should click on the payroll tab on the header of the Npower login portal.

3) After clicking on the payroll tab on the Npower login portal, the Npower Batch C beneficiary should go through his or her payment status, once the Npower Batch C beneficiary's payment status says processing, then the Npower Batch C beneficiary should exercise patience and will be paid.

4) If after checking the payment status on the Npower login portal and it says failed August payment then the Npower Batch C beneficiary will not be paid, the Npower Batch C beneficiary should quickly send his or her complaint, Npower ID, BVN, NIN and account details privately to Npower twitter handle @npower_ng.
