How To Fix Npower Batch C Stream 1 Failed Npower August Stipend

Npower Batch C stream 1 beneficiaries with failed Npower August stipend on their Npower portal can fix their Npower payment issues by following the procedures below: 

1) The Npower batch c stream 1 beneficiary should send his or her Npower ID, NIN, BVN, screenshot of payment status from Npower portal showing the failed payment month and the reason for the failed payment to Npower twitter handle @npower_ng. 

2) The Npower batch c stream 1 beneficiary with failed Npower August stipend should send his or her Npower ID, NIN, BVN, account details and payment status to Npower email address at

  3) The Npower batch c stream 1 beneficiary with the failed Npower August stipend can call Npower directly on 092203102, 018888148. 

4) The Npower Batch C stream 1 beneficiary with failed Npower August stipend can also contact his or her state Npower focal person and make his or her complaint. The above procedures if done properly can be used to resolve Npower failed August stipend for Npower Batch C stream 1 beneficiaries, please the Npower Batch C stream 1 beneficiary should avoid sending the same complaint over and over again but should wait for feedback from Npower, before making another complaint, as this might delay the payment reinitiation process.


  1. You people are confusing us. We have called directly and given our details but still nothing has happened. And every now and then you come up with new method of resolving issue of failed stipend with the caveat that multiple complaints might delay the reinitiation .How long do we have to wait after sending one complaint????

  2. Untill next year,,,, šŸ¤ŖšŸ¤Ŗ anonymous


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