N-Power Batch C: How To Fix " Unhandled Exception" Error During N-Power Biometric Installation

Most N-Power Batch C applicants keeps getting this error message when attempting to install the N-Power Biometric Enrollment Client App.

" Unhandled exception has occurred in your application. If you click continue, the application will ignore this error and attempt to continue"

Please N-Power Batch C applicants are being advised to follow strictly the installation guide on how to install the N-Power NASIMS Biometric Client.

An N-Power Batch C applicant will experience the "unhandled exception" error if the N-Power Batch C applicant did not install the Fingerprint reader Prerequisite for either 32 (x32) bit Installation or 64 bit Installation (x64) or the General Installer.

The following prerequisite is required for Biometric Client:

.NET Desktop Runtimes .NET Core Runtime 3.1 and, For some systems, an N-Power Batch C applicants needs both the .NET Core SDK and .NET Core Runtime, please download for .NET Core 3.1 

The .NET Runtimes are required in order to eliminate the "unhandled exception" error being experienced by some N-Power Batch C applicants when installing the N-Power NASIMS Biometric Client.

An N-Power Batch C applicant can visit https://nasimsbiometric.blob.core.windows.net/enrollment/Publish.htm to install the required .Net Runtimes
