N-Power Batch C: What To Do If Posted Far Away From Your PPA

Peradventure an N-Power Batch C Volunteer is posted far away from his or her residence, probably because the Government Establishment is located far away from the N-Power Batch C Volunteer's residence although this situation is rare, here is what the N-Power Batch C Volunteer should do, would suggest the N-Power Batch C Volunteer liase with the district head, to see how he or she can be coming to his or her PPA at least once a week, as this would save the inconvenience or stress caused by the distance from the PPA to the N-Power Batch C Volunteer's residence, this might be the only plausible solution to this issue, otherwise the N-Power Batch C Volunteer would just bear with the situation and keep attending his or her PPA daily, till the N-Power program comes to an end.
