N-Power: Physical Verification Will Commence As Soon As List Gets To NOA

Lots of N-Power Batch C applicants have been asking the question "when will N-Power physical verification/screening commence"?, Yes every N-Power Batch C applicant have the right to express their worries and anxiety which is normal in a situation as this.

But the point is, there is a process when it comes to the N-Power program, as we speak, the NASIMS department is yet to get at least 100% complete biometric enrollment, what do I mean by this, quite a lot of N-Power Batch C applicants are still on the process or yet to complete their N-Power NASIMS biometric fingerprint enrollment capture.

Notwithstanding, and really not a room for excuse, but after the N-Power Biometrics, the NASIMS department will have to compile the list of successfully completed N-Power NASIMS biometric enrollment and send the list to all the 774 Local Government Areas/National Orientation Agency Centers to begin the physical verification process, after which another list will be compiled of the N-Power Batch C applicants that passed the physical verification, the list will be sent to districts from the state ministries before deployment commences.

I will advise all N-Power Batch C applicants to exercise great patience, the N-Power program will definitely kick off and have come to stay since it has been institutionalised.
