Npower: You Will Be Paid If You Have Received September Stipend Regardless Of Payroll Status

Some Npower Batch C Volunteers have been in a situation of doubt saying that they might not be paid for October and November because after receiving their September payment their Npower payroll status reverted back to the "failed" status.

Please if you are an N-Power Batch C Volunteer and you were paid September, please you have no issues and you will continue to receive your Npower stipend, please I repeat do not edit your Npower NASIMS profile, even if your payroll tab displays failed, quite a handful of Npower Batch C beneficiaries have been attempting to alter and edit their payroll status even after they have been paid for September, please do not attempt this feat.

The Npower NASIMS payroll tab does not really reflect the issue for an N-Power Batch C Volunteer not being paid, the main reason for an N-Power Batch C Volunteer to have payment issues is just name mismatch and incorrect account number and other details that has to do with the N-Power batch C volunteer's banking credentials.

Npower payment system is tied to the Npower Batch C Volunteer's BVN, Npower profile names, account names and account number, if any of these are wrong, then the Npower Batch C Volunteer will definitely have payment issues, incomplete Npower physical verification exercise might also cause payment issues and failure to upload PPA documents as well but these are all secondary issues, the main issue for not being paid is just discrepancies in banking informations.


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