NEXIT: Once The NEXIT Training List Comes Out In The Coming Weeks But You Have Relocated To Another State, You Can Contact An Npower Batch A or B Volunteer In That State To Assist You

Lots of exited Npower Batch A and B volunteers actually missed the recent NEXIT soft loan training program because they had already relocated from the state they did their Npower program, for the purpose of the next NEXIT soft loan training batch, please if you are an exited Npower Batch A or B volunteer and you have relocated from the state you did your Npower program, please contact your colleague in your previous state where you did your Npower program to assist you in checking for your name.

Exited Npower Batch A or B volunteer can assist their Npower colleagues in another state to actually complete some vital task like:

1) Checking for your name on the NEXIT soft loan training list

2) Assisting in filling the NEXIT soft loan registration form

3) Helping in filling the NEXIT soft loan business plan (in most NEXIT soft loan training centers, this is basically filled online)

4) Assisting in filling the NEXIT soft loan training attendance (in most NEXIT soft loan training centers, this is done once)

Before your Npower colleague can assist you with some important task at the NEXIT soft loan training center, you must have sent your particulars to him or her, assisting you, particulars such as:

1) Your name

2) Your state of origin

3) Type of business; either start up or existing

4) Your Npower phone number

5) Your Account details

6) Your next of kin

7) Your full names as it appears on the Npower NEXIT soft loan training list

8) Your email address

9) Loan Amount or value of business, this is the overall cost of your business

10) Your passport picture, can also be sent to your Npower colleague for it to be printed out

After submitting the above particulars always contact your Npower colleague as a follow up to keep you abreast with the situations at the NEXIT soft loan training center.

On the day of certificate collection, that is at the end of the NEXIT soft loan training exercise, you might have to travel to your NEXIT training venue, to collect your certificate because the NEXIT training certificate cannot be collected in absentia.


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