The News That Npower October Stipend Has Been Paused Is Authentic

Lots of Npower Batch C volunteers have been doubtful about the recent news online that October stipend have been paused, yes, this information is very true, October payment have been stopped temporarily.

The reason why the Npower October payment was paused was as a result of the Npower management team not attaining 100% payment to Npower Batch C Volunteers. 

Few days ago when the October payment commenced some Npower volunteers received their stipend while others did not receive payment for October, this led to several resentments by Npower Volunteers online.

The October stipend is only paused temporarily in order to address and fix the issue surrounding the October payment, that is, why some Npower volunteers were credited while others were not credited, immediately this issue is resolved, Npower volunteers that are eligible for payment will start having hitch free credit alert payment,.

This action taken by the Npower management team is not punitive, it was taken to clear bottlenecks in the disbursement of payment and in the payment system in order to serve the Npower volunteers better. 


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