NEXIT: Yes, NEXIT Training Would Commence, Exited Npower Volunteers Will Be Contacted Through Email/SMS

Exited Npower Batches A and B volunteers have been doubtful about the NEXIT program and most Npower Batch A and B volunteers want to know why the Npower management team are delaying the NEXIT process.

Yes, there will be a NEXIT package and every exited Npower Batches A and B volunteer will be contacted through email, sms and publicly once the logistics for the NEXIT package is concluded, all exited Npower Batches A and B are advised to exercise a great deal of patience, you will be contacted be rest assured.

This is the Federal Governments' mandate to lift millions of Npower Batch A and B youths out of unemployment and make them entrepreneurs and employers of labour, the delay is due to the modalities and logistics being put in place once everything is completed, which will be concluded soon, all exited Npower Batches A and B volunteers will be notified.


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