Biometrics resumes, please go to the cybercafe for fingerprint enrollment

If you are an Npower batch c stream 2 volunteer and you got the screening message on your nasims verification page, to complete your biometrics, please you can now progress to capture your fingerprint at the cybercafe, please take note, the biometrics cannot be completed using your mobile phones the mobile phone does not have the operating system to complete the biometrics, the operating systems required is windows 10, 32 bits and 64bits, with the fingerprint enrollment scanner.

Recall that weeks ago the biometrics was placed on hold, but it has resumed and Npower batch c stream 2 volunteers can now go ahead to capture their finger print if you were sent the screening message on your verification page, after biometrics Npower batch c stream 2 volunteers are to wait for physical verification date which will also be communicated through the verification page on nasims, alternatively you can use *45665# to check your selection status, biometrics and physical verification date and venue when it commences.


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