Npower Batches A and B Recieves Payment Of 5 Months Backlogs

Npower Batches A and B should sigh a sigh of relief as their 5 months backlog payment commences, it actually started yesterday and Npower Batches A and B are gradually being credited as we speak, Npower Batches A and B volunteers having payment issues for months now should be expectant as payment of outstanding five months stipends is ongoing and all Npower Batch A and B volunteers will be credited.

All NPower Batch A and B volunteers are advised to continue to exercise patience as they await bank credit alerts, this payment is coming just as the Federal Government rolls out its NEXIT package registration, please if you are an exited Npower Batch A and B volunteers and you are constantly having the confirm availability issue, just save the message or just ignore after receiving the thank you message.
