Npower: December Payment Pending, Arrears Will Be Paid When Payment Commences

As we speak the Npower NASIMS management team are tirelessly working on all payment issues, regardless of your payroll status; transaction failed, time out waiting for response, invalid account, etc, if you have been paid before you are on the safe side and will be paid when December payment disbursement commences.

If you were not paid at all please send your correct names, Npower ID, account names, correct account number and correct BVN names to

Please if you are confident that your NASIMS profile names matches your account names and your BVN names, and your account number is correct, please you do not have to make any complain as you will be paid, please take note, your middle name is compulsory for payment in addition to another name, for example if your Npower names are David Silas Chiroma, in this case Silas is the middle name, your BVN names must be at least David Silas, Silas David, Chiroma Silas or Silas Chiroma for it to match regardless of the arrangements, at least two names including your middle name must match for you to receive payment, if your names do not match simply contact otherwise you will not be paid, middle name is extremely important when it comes to payment in order to avoid impersonation and banking fraud.

Name mismatch asides wrong account number is the primary reason for failed payment, that is why some Npower Batch C Volunteers were paid regardless of their payroll status because their names and other accounting informations are correct.
