Npower Exited Batch A And B Volunteers Are To Wait To Be Posted After Confirmation Of Availability For NEXIT Training

If you are an exited Npower Batch A or Npower Batch B volunteer and you have successfully checked your NEXIT status and you were shortlisted, and after checking your NEXIT status, you successfully confirmed your availability for the NEXIT training, please after confirming your availability for the training you are to wait and keep checking your email or text message for updates on venue and time for the NEXIT training, although the NEXIT training would commence this February but the exact date and venue has not been fixed yet, every information surrounding nexit will be communicated either publicly or individually through the exited Npower Batches A and B volunteers' email or SMS.

Exited Npower Batch A and B volunteers that are having challenges confirming their availability for the NEXIT training should ensure that they have enough credit on their phone and please always endeavor to use your BVN to confirm your availability for the NEXIT training, and please keep trying even if you were unable to confirm your availability at first, just continue dialling the ussd code *45665# until you are able to confirm your availability for the training, most times after the first attempt the second attempt should get you a positive response from Npower.
