NEXIT: Awaiting Exited Npower Batch A and B Volunteers Might Have To Wait A Little Longer For The Next Batch

As we speak, the Npower management have disclosed that they have no information regarding the NEXIT soft loan training programme for the next batch at the moment, although the Npower management have not come out directly to say this but a response to an exited Npower Batch volunteer question actually confirmed this, this might come as an upset to exited Npower volunteers awaiting the next batch of the NEXIT soft loan training.

Nonetheless regardless of the above claims, exited Npower Batch A and B volunteers awaiting the NEXIT soft loan training should continue to check their email and SMS for the NEXIT soft loan training for the next batch and should always be observant to relevant informations online with respect to the NEXIT soft loan training programme.


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